Wolf of Wilderness - 12 kg

Barcode: 4260358511474 (EAN / EAN-13)

Product characteristics

Common name: Nourriture complète pour chien

Quantity: 12 kg

Packaging: Sac, Plastique

Brands: Wolf of Wilderness

Categories: Pet food, Dog food

Labels, certifications, awards: fr:Sans céréales

Manufacturing or processing places: Allemagne

Link to the product page on the official site of the producer: https://www.wolf-of-wilderness.com/shop/...

Countries where sold: France


→ Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
fresh chicken meat (41%), pieces of potato (dried), salmon protein (10%, dried), poultry protein (10%, partially dried and hydrolysed), dried beet pulp (desugared), linseed, poultry fat, brewer's yeast (dried), monocalcium phosphate, egg (dried), sodium chloride, lignocellulose, fruits of the forest (0.3%, dried: cranberries, blackcurrants, raspberries, elderberries), herbs (0.2%, dried: mugwort, St. John’s wort, nettle leaves, camomile, common yarrow, coltsfoot, dandelion root), yeast extract (dried, = 0.2% beta-glucans and mannan-oligosaccharides), apple (dried), chicory inulin (0.1%), salmon oil, sunflower oil.

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Nutrition facts

Nutrient levels for 100 g

moderate quantity16 g Fat in moderate quantity
moderate quantity1.02 g Salt in moderate quantity

Comparison to average values of products in the same category:

(492 products)
(1046 products)

→ Please note: for each nutriment, the average is computed for products for which the nutriment quantity is known, not on all products of the category.

Nutrition facts As sold
for 100 g / 100 ml
Dog foodPet food
Energy (kJ) ???
Energy (kcal) ?88 kcal53 kcal
Energy 1,599 kj
(382 kcal)
Fat 16 g+82%+75%
Carbohydrates ?2.56 g3.69 g
Proteins 27 g+53%+34%
Salt 1.016 g+97%+40%
Sodium 0.4 g+97%+40%
Vitamin A 360 µg??
Vitamin D 3.75 µg??
Vitamin E 16.667 mg??
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 10 mg??
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 1.2 mg??
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 1.2 mg??
Vitamin B3 / Vitamin PP (Niacin) 3.5 mg??
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxin) 0.8 mg??
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) 120 µg??
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) 18 µg??
Biotin 30 µg??
Pantothenic acid / Pantothenate (Vitamin B5) 3.5 mg??
Calcium 1,200 mg?+54%
Phosphorus 900 mg??
Fer (sous forme de sulfate ferreux, monohydraté) 20 mg??
Cellulose brute 2.5 g??
Zinc (sous forme de chélate de zinc et de glycine hydraté, solide) 6 mg??
Iode (sous forme d’iodate de calcium, anhydre) 0.23 mg??
Manganése (sous forme de sulfate manganeux, monohydraté) 2.5 mg??
Zinc (sous forme de sulfate de zinc, monohydraté) 10 mg??
Cuivre (sous forme de sulfate cuivrique, pentahydraté) 1.25 mg??
Cendres brutes 7.5 g??
Sélénium (sous forme de sélénite de sodium) 0.035 mg??
Chlorure de choline 200 mg??
D-pan-tothénate de calcium 3.5 mg??

Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors.
Last edit of product page on by jiefk.

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