Premium et Breton - Exelians - 2 Kg

Barcode: 3700239510116 (EAN / EAN-13)

Product characteristics

Quantity: 2 Kg

Packaging: Plastique

Brands: Exelians

Categories: Pet food, Cat food, Dry pet food, Dry cat food

Origin of ingredients: Bretagne

Manufacturing or processing places: Bretagne

EMB code: FR 35221003 - Pléchâtel (Ille-et-Vilaine, France)

Countries where sold: France


→ Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
Protéines animales déshydratées ( dont protéines déshydratées de proc produites en Bretagne 4% mini).Maïs.Blé.Fibres de féveroles.Son de blé.Pois.Graisse de volaille.Protéines déshydratées de poissons produites en Bretagne (4%).Hydrolysats de protéines animales.Pulpes de betterave.Algues de Bretagne (2%).Gluten de maïs.Sel de mer.

Substances or products causing allergies or intolerances: Gluten

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Nutrition facts

Serving size: 35g

Comparison to average values of products in the same category:

(167 products)
(256 products)
(730 products)
(1046 products)

→ Please note: for each nutriment, the average is computed for products for which the nutriment quantity is known, not on all products of the category.

Nutrition facts As sold
for 100 g / 100 ml
As sold
per serving (35g)
Dry cat foodDry pet foodCat foodPet food
Energy (kJ) ??????
Energy (kcal) ???158 kcal92 kcal58 kcal
Fat ??12.5 g13.2 g9.91 g9.15 g
Carbohydrates ??2.34 g4.2 g3.06 g3.69 g
Proteins ??28.9 g27 g20.9 g20.2 g

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Last edit of product page on by .

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